The oil and gas industry continually buzzes with talk of “tax benefits” and “tax shelters.” To be fair, oil and gas investments can certainly provide incredible tax benefits, serving as legitimate tax shelters. Frankly, we wouldn’t do what we do if that weren’t the case, as good oil and gas investments are those that make money, and lots of it.
That said, we’re leery of the terminology.
Why So Little Talk of “Tax Benefits” and “Tax Shelters?”
“You live and learn.” We’ve heard that expression countless times over the years. Though perhaps cliché, that simple truism has seemingly touched every portion of our lives, and our investment strategy is no exception. In 2+ decades of investing in oil and gas, we have lived and we have certainly learned. Early on, we were often drawn to investments that boasted of their effectiveness as “tax shelters” and promised tremendous “tax benefits.” In the end, we learned that those terms often served as high gloss on dull investments.
Decades later, we know better and you get to reap the rewards.
Phenomenal Oil and Gas Investment Opportunities
We talk more of “phenomenal oil and gas investment opportunities” than we do of “tax benefits” and “tax shelters.” The reason is simple. While certainly the “benefits” (i.e., help on April 15th and tremendous ROI) of our investments is both stunning and quantifiable, our focus is on the quality of the oil and gas investment opportunities we seize. We want our investors to know that we’re in the oil field evaluating, inspecting, and measuring potential projects to ensure that the ones we take on are low risk, which translates as high probability that the well will produce a significant amount of oil over the life of the investment. So, we’re not into throwing around terminology to get you to jump into an investment. We’re about phenomenal oil and gas investment opportunities, so prefer to use that language.
Where Are Our Oil and Gas Investment Opportunities?
Because “phenomenal oil and gas investment opportunities” are our aim, we tend to focus more on geology than geography. Certainly, the majority of our oil and gas investments are in North America, but we regularly evaluate projects all over the world. In short, you will find Energy Capital Fund anywhere there is a phenomenal oil and gas investment opportunity.
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