In investing, do not buy or sell based on what your friends, neighbours or that fancy stock guru is buying. You do not know their realities. You do not know their risk appetite, information ratio, manoeuverability, asset allocation and incentives. Actually you know nothing about those you wish to imitate. Robert Cialdini described this behaviour as ‘social proof’. It is the tendency to see an action as more appropriate when others are doing it. It may not always be the best for you. Do not be in a hurry to grow up. You are always asking when you will get independent, when you will make money, when you will be involved in discussions we adults take part in. Some things take time. Growing up is a process. Enjoy it. Your science book explains how a seed turns into a sapling, then into a shrub and later into a tree. Some seeds wither away, not all turn into a tree and bear flowers and fruits. We nurture, support, love and sometimes admonish you—it’s all a part of growing ...
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