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  Bad credit is a major concern among people today, and nearly 25 percent of Americans struggle with bad credit scores. This can damage their ability to get a car, buy a house, and even run a small business. All small businesses require funding in order to thrive in the industry, but many entrepreneurs are routinely denied access to loans due to poor or nonexistent credit histories. Fortunately, there are a variety of lenders who cater specifically to individuals with poor credit, enabling business owners of all financial backgrounds to access the funding they need. Family and Friends Your family and friends know you personally and are eager to watch your business succeed. By seeking out loans or investments from the people you know best, you can access the capital needed to launch your business venture regardless of your credit score. However, don’t expect your family and friends to offer you loans at no interest. While interest rates will likely be lower than other loan options, it w

What’s Your Investment Strategy? Here’s Where We Can Help.

  Identifying the Ideal Investment Property We understand that the attributes of an investment property differ from what you are seeking in a home you will live in. Location and price are key to finding the ideal property so, let Les Maisons Partners serve as your guide through the process.. Holding and Renting Your Property Once you have decided that you would like to hold and lease your property, Les Maisons Partners can help you find a renter and handle all the paperwork involved in the rental process. Renovating and Selling Your Property For those investors who decide that renovating and selling the property is your goal, Les Maisons Partners can provide resources and recommendations to help you achieve your goal.

Top 5 Benefits of Business Loans That Can Help Expand Your Business

Are you a dynamic entrepreneur whose ultimate goal is to turn your passion into reality? Are you looking at starting or expanding your small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)? Do you believe that all you need is a push to fulfil your dreams? In that case, you can look at any of the several sources of business loans – banks, non-banking finance companies (NBFCs), government institutions, venture capitalists –  that are here to work with you as a partner to help actualise your business ideas. In the current economic climate of India, SMEs are in constant need of funds to expand their businesses, meet working capital needs, or make optimal use of business opportunities.  Business loans, either from traditional sources or from FinTech companies such as Capital Float, can provide an optimal solution to meet such financial requirements. Such loans, besides their obvious benefit of the right funds at the right time, carry several advantages that make their choice a good one. Here is

Tips to Choose the Right Business Loan Deal for Your Small Business

Running any sort of business is not that easy – you need the right business ideas, the right resources and a good mix of these will decide whether your business will fare well in the future or not. Both these ingredients are necessary for a successful business, but if you don’t have the finances, it is very difficult to execute the ideas.  Getting a Small Business Loan  in today’s world is not too hard and if you are a small business owner keen to know about such kinds of loan, you have come to the right place. This article will give you all the information about  Business Loan deals,  the various types of loans available and which one to select for your type of business. Before you decide to take a loan, consider these tips first:     1. Know the loan amount: The loan amount is the most important thing that you should consider before even thinking about the loan. It is vital to have an idea about the amount of funds you require ensuring that the lenders will hand it over t

Ways to Get Best Deal on Personal Loan

The simple rule of economics states one should get as much possible and pay as little as possible. This rule is applicable to the finance sector, especially in the personal loan segment. However, it is always not easy to get a personal loan at a low interest rate. So where do you go at this time and how do you get loans at low-interest? Apply online Here are a few ways to get the best deal on personal loans: Digitisation has helped various sectors, especially the personal finance segment. It has helped around 220 million credit-eligible customers get access to more credit options. The number of digital lending platforms is increasing day by day and therefore are able to assist more people throughout. Moreover, applying for a  personal loan online  has also reduced the hassle of paperwork and reduced the time and effort taken by a customer. Nowadays, a customer can simply apply for a personal loan at the convenience of your home. When you add a co-signer on board for a pers

Top Tips to Remember When You Can’t Pay Business Taxes

Business taxes can be a nightmare for a lot of companies; especially small businesses that are trying to stay afloat. Things can get even tougher when it comes time to file your return and you end up on the wrong side of the ledger. So what should you do if you end up owing more business taxes than can afford? First, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to get through the process. Then, make sure you still file your taxes on time, even if you know you don’t have the money. By delaying your filing you will be penalized further and owe even more money. So, file on time. If you’re already late, file as soon as possible. If you can’t pay your debt in full at tax time, you do have some options. You can still make full payments a little late by filing for an extension. If you will have the funds shortly then this is a good option. Keep in mind, though, that you will be charged interest until the full amount is paid off. You can also agree to the installment method, which allows

Six ways to get a loan with bad credit

If you have a bad credit rating, getting a home loan could prove difficult. There are however some steps you can take to give yourself the best chance of being approved. 1. Apply with a mortgage lender who does not use credit scoring The majority of lenders use a computer-based system called credit scoring to assess your home loan application, says Kim Wight, a Personal Mortgage Adviser with Smartline. "This means that the data collected in your application is given a rating or score and if the computer scores you as a bad risk, the application is declined before a real person has a chance to look at the application or hear your story as to why you have had credit problems in the past. In other words, 'computer says no'," she explains. "By applying with a lender who does not use credit scoring, your application – and the reason for your past credit problems – will be assessed by a real person, who can evaluate your personal situation past and prese