If you have been in a situation where you need to pay for something expensive in cash, you may have thought about the question “Can You Get A Cash Advance Using a Debit Card?”. The simple answer to this question is “yes, you can”. To pay for something expensive, you will probably need to take out a cash advance using your debit card. Here is a summary of how it works. What is a Cash Advance? A traditional cash advance primarily works as a small loan, which comes directly from your credit card company. Basically, you can borrow cash against your credit limit. An ATM or bank processes the cash advance and gives you money. Some lenders may even allow you to apply for a cash advance online. The amount of money you borrow will get added to your credit card balance. Your credit card company may charge a fee for the services. Also, they will charge a special cash advance APR. Can You Get A Cash Advance Using a Debit Card? Yes, it is possible to do this. When you hear “cash advance”, the ...
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